
Fundraiser for Amina

Delayed psycho-speech development

This is Amina, the youngest daughter of our ward Inga. The very difficult story of a woman with two children and a sick sister evoked a feeling of empathy more than once. Also because Inga alone carried this heavy burden. And maybe even be able to cope with it no matter what. But Amina, after a terrible fall from the stairs 5 years ago, received a brain contusion. Outcome: delayed psycho-speech development. Since that time, Inga has been doing everything to ensure that her daughter receives proper treatment. After many courses at the “Doctrine” clinic, Amina began to look like an ordinary child. She already speaks, expresses emotions, understands requests. Like a real girl, she chooses her clothes, picks up colors

Inga told how her daughters play with each other, watch cartoons together. And Amina even manages to parody her favorite characters.⁣ Inga did not expect such results. And the main thing is that the girl speaks separate words, goes to the toilet herself and shows a keen interest in everything.⁣⁣

But success depends on the stability of the courses. Otherwise, the daughter will have a rollback in development. The amounts for Inga are unbearable, she can barely make ends meet anyway. And there is simply nowhere to wait for help for a woman. No one will help her in any way. There is only us. But you know, by donating for Amina, you help Inga. After all, she, seeing the success of her daughter, becomes even happier!

⁣⁣⁣Charitable Foundation "Insan" announces a fundraiser in the amount of 296,450 rubles for Gusenbekova Amina for a rehabilitation course at the clinic "Doctrine" in St. Petersburg. Help Inga cure her daughter!

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Необходимо: 296 450 р.
Собрано: 296 450 р. из 296 450 р.

«Господь людей! Освободи от болезни, исцели этого человека, потому что только Ты даешь выздоровление. Нет больше исцеления, кроме того, которое Ты даруешь. Дай такое исцеление, которое искоренило бы болезнь».

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