
Fundraiser for Fatima

Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis

Fatima is 4 years old. The entire right side of the girl's body practically does not work. This is due to cerebral palsy and spastic tetraparesis. Due to severe spasticity, the girl developed strabismus.⁣⁣

Zagidat, the girl's mother, says that from the moment an accurate diagnosis was made, everything was done to help her daughter. Regular rehabilitation procedures have borne fruit. Fatima is already trying to walk. Of course, for children with cerebral palsy, these are small steps. They are so uncertain, but so promising!⁣

There are 2 children in the family. It's not easy, there are a lot of expenses. But saving literally on everything, Fatimka's parents are making every effort to put their daughter on her feet. But they do not have time to collect the required amount by the beginning of the rehabilitation course.

⁣⁣ Zagidat came to the foundation with the hope that we would help raise money to pay for the course. She believes that Fatima will be able to walk by herself!⁣⁣

Charitable Foundation "Insan" announces a fee for Ashuralaeva Fatima in the amount of 272,500 rubles at the Medical Clinic "Sakura" (Chelyabinsk).

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Необходимо: 272 500 р.
Собрано: 272 500 р. из 272 500 р.

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