
Fundraiser for Huzaifah

Delayed speech development with elements of autism

Huzaifah was diagnosed with a severe diagnosis, delayed speech development with elements of autism, at the age of 2 years.

Javriyat, the boy's mother, suspected that something was wrong in development. And at the age of a year and half, she took the child to Moscow for examination. However, doctors assured that there were no reasons for concern yet. But in the end, the diagnosis was confirmed.

Javriyat and Artur have two children. They live with the mother-in-law. Their income is only child benefits and pensions. Javriyat’s husband faced a difficult situation, and all his earnings go to pay off the debt. Relatives help as much as possible.

They paid for the first 2 courses themselves. Javriyat then sold everything she could. You helped pay for the 3rd course - you donated to the “Insan” Foundation. In addition to habilitation courses, additional money is spent on tests, vitamins and a strict diet, which is also not a cheap pleasure. And unfortunately, they do not comply with the treatment protocol simply because of the lack of money.

Javriyat was ready to go to work, but as long as the children are small and one of them is sick, this is hard to do. It is important for Huzaifah to go through all the stages of habilitation, because his further progress depends on it. And it’s already. The boy began to look into the eyes, an understanding of the addressed speech appeared. And he began to speak: mom and dad. It is important to continue what they started in order to consolidate the result. Let's support Huzaifah in this difficult struggle!

Charitable Foundation "Insan" announces a fee for Bursaev Huzaifah in the amount of 160,700 rubles to pay for the habilitation course at the Medical Clinic "Inclinic".

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Необходимо: 160 700 р.
Собрано: 161 176 р. из 160 700 р.

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