
Fundraiser for Khasbulat

Cerebral palsy

After the birth of a child with a disability, the way of life changes forever. Parents of children with special needs fully devote themselves to the attention and care of their child. ⁣ Angela, having learned about her son's diagnosis, could not believe what had happened. Cerebral palsy is not treated, but its forms are different.

⁣⁣⁣ Khasbulat is 8 years old, he cannot walk. And he knows little of what is familiar to all children at his age. Due to the pandemic, they had to miss rehabilitation. And for these children, this means a serious setback. And so it happened with Khasbulat, unfortunately. Many children with cerebral palsy can walk on their own.

Angela, of course, hopes that her son will be one of them. But now they are facing another break in the course if they do not find 367000 rub. ⁣⁣

Charitable Foundation "Insan" announces an urgent fee for Ustarkhanov Khasbulat for treatment at the clinic "Sakura" (Chelyabinsk).

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Необходимо: 367 000 р.
Собрано: 367 000 р. из 367 000 р.

«Господь людей! Освободи от болезни, исцели этого человека, потому что только Ты даешь выздоровление. Нет больше исцеления, кроме того, которое Ты даруешь. Дай такое исцеление, которое искоренило бы болезнь».

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