
Fundraiser for Marzhanat

Chemotherapy before kidney transplant

Arzhanat has been fighting for her daughter's life for three years. On the morning of December 2017, little Marzhanat woke up with edema. A once perfectly healthy child ended up in hospital with kidney damage.⁣⁣⠀

Today Marzhanat is in a grave condition. The international council made a decision on kidney transplantation from the girl's mother. But before that, they both need to undergo special therapy.
A year and a half of treatment in a Turkish clinic was also made possible thanks to donations. All this time, Arzhanat did not see the older children, saving her daughter's life. A 9-year-old girl from Kizlyar is waiting for our participation in her destiny. Marzhanat has no other hope.

The “Insan” Foundation announces an emergency fee of 2,000,000 rubles for Marzhanat Asulbekova for chemotherapy before kidney transplantation. We believe that by joint efforts the girl will soon return home safe and sound!

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Необходимо: 2 000 000 р.
Собрано: 2 000 000 р. из 2 000 000 р.

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