
Fundraiser for Zainab

Brain defect

Pregnancy on Magomedova Zainab was very difficult. Even in the womb, the girl was diagnosed with a brain defect. The childbirth was emergency by caesarean section. Immediately after the birth, the child went into cardiac arrest. Doctors fought for Zainab's life for a long time. The girl was saved. But the problems that happened at the beginning of the journey left an imprint on her health for the rest of her life.

Now Zainab is 4 years old. The girl does not know how to sit and walk, she is constantly lying down. All these years, parents have been diligently engaged in the rehabilitation of their daughter. Each time, therapy gives small, but correct results.

The family's income is not large - her husband's part-time job and benefits for the care of children. All funds received go to the basic needs and treatment of Zainab.

At the moment, the girl needs to undergo another course of rehabilitation therapy. The problem is that her parents are unable to pay.

It is necessary to raise 173,700 rubles. If we unite, then Zainab will be able to continue her treatment and take one step closer to a healthy life.

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Необходимо: 173 700 р.
Собрано: 173 700 р. из 173 700 р.

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