
Meat in every poor house


Help is always needed. Different people, in different situations, at different times. But there are special days when it has additional meaning. The month of Dhu'l Hijja and the Great holiday of Eid al-Adha refer to such days.

The Foundation has hundreds of people who have no opportunity to make a sacrifice for themselves or for someone close to them. Yes, they are not obliged to do so. But everyone dreams of becoming the one to whom they will say: “They made a sacrifice for you!” 

And knowing this on the eve of the Eid al-Adha, many caring people are ready to pay some part of the cost of the sacrificial animal. And if there are several such people, then you can perform Eid al-Adha for the wards in great need.

But the main thing is that in the houses of hundreds of them meat will appear, the taste of which they have long forgotten!
Charity Fund "Insan" announces a fundraising campaign "Meat in every home" in the amount of 850,000 rubles. Your contribution will help needy families to make the long-awaited sacrifice and feed them meat.

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«Господь людей! Освободи от болезни, исцели этого человека, потому что только Ты даешь выздоровление. Нет больше исцеления, кроме того, которое Ты даруешь. Дай такое исцеление, которое искоренило бы болезнь».

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