
Urgent fundraiser for Magomed

Biopsy, Ewing's Sarcoma

Mom, is it cancer?

When we asked Samira to remember how it all began, tears flowed down the woman’s cheeks. Who could have imagined that a terrible disease would be found in a healthy teenage athlete.

The results of the biopsy were hidden from Magomed. Ewing's sarcoma was confirmed in Moscow. From his mother’s tears, he guessed that the situation was difficult. When he found out what was happening, he asked only one question: “Is it cancer?”

Now Magomed is in the 5th course of chemotherapy. After it, he will have an endoprosthesis installed instead of a destroyed bone.

A teenager will have to say goodbye to sports forever. But now the most important thing is to carry out an expensive operation. More than three million is required for Magomed to return home and forget about everything, like a nightmare.

His parents believe that the amount will be collected. We believe that we will be able to help them in this. “Insan” Charity Foundation announces a fee of 3 million 224 thousand rubles for Magomed Karavaliev for an operation to install a sliding endoprosthesis.

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Необходимо: 600 000 р.
Собрано: 600 000 р. из 600 000 р.

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