
Zakatul fitr

Recall that zakat ul-fitr is an obligation! And it is paid with the most used grain in the given area in the amount of one sakh for one person. A man pays it for himself and for those whom he is obliged to support: his wife, children, parents.

According to Hanafi, it is possible to pay the cost of Sakh in cash. In monetary terms, it will look like this (from 1 person): ⁣⁣

- 50 rubles (this is the cost of half a sakh, if paid with the cost of wheat; namely, in the case of wheat, according to the Hanafi mazhab, if paid in money, half a sakh is enough);⁣ ⁣- 60 rubles (if paid with the cost of barley);⁣⁣

- 1000 rubles (if paid with the cost of raisins);⁣⁣

- 1000 rubles (if you pay with the cost of dates).

Depending on his financial capacity, a person can choose what type of payment he will pay. ⁣⁣

You can transfer Zakat-ul-Fitr funds to the “Insan” Fund: in the mobile application "Insan" to the card of the Fund: Sberbank - 5484 6000 1241 2558 (recipient Shamil Magomedovich G.) ⁣⁣ By transferring zakat-ul-fitr to the “Insan” Foundation, you make the intention: "I intend to pay ahead of schedule the obligatory zakat-ul-fitr in money following the mazhab of Imam Abu Hanifa for myself (wife, son, daughter ...) for the sake of Allah ahead of schedule (if you pay before sunset the last day of Ramadan)".

⁣⁣ “Insan” Foundation distributes zakat-ul fitr to low-income families.⁣⁣ For all questions about the payment of zakat-ul-fitr, call the number: 89640170404 ⁣

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Необходимо: 2 500 000 р.
Собрано: 2 806 545 р. из 2 500 000 р.

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