
Fundraiser for Khadija

Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia

Khadija's birthday is coming soon. And the best gift for her will be the purchase of a verticalizer. If this collection is completed by this time.⁣⁣

The girl was born at 7 months. Premature babies often have different pathologies. And at first it seemed that everything was fine. But later, Zaira, Khadija's mother, noticed that her daughter did not turn around, did not crawl, and even more so did not try to stand on her feet.

⁣⁣⁣ Already by the year the diagnosis was confirmed: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia.⁣⁣ Now Khadija still cannot stand without support. She is weak with her right hand, and does everything she can with her left: she draws, writes letters and eats. The girl has retained intelligence, and she is preparing with might and main for school next year. She reads by syllables!

⁣⁣ Zaira is raising her daughter alone. Khadija's father left when the child was only 2 months old. Zaira filed for alimony, but, unfortunately, has not received them for more than a year. The ex-husband allegedly quit his job, but did not find another.

⁣⁣ Zaira's mother helps with the child. She looks after the baby while Zaira works. And the woman spends all her income on the rehabilitation of her daughter. But Zaira cannot overpower the purchase of a verticalizer. But Khadija really needs it! So she, leaning, will learn to walk on her own.⁣⁣

Let's help give this little girl a birthday present!⁣⁣

Charitable Foundation "Insan" announces a fee for Mutalimova Khadizha in the amount of 327450 rubles for the purchase of a verticalizer.

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Необходимо: 327 450 р.
Собрано: 327 450 р. из 327 450 р.

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