
Fundraiser for Zuleikha

G3 carcinoma

Zuleikhat noticed the first signs of the disease a year ago.⁣⁣

The woman was reassured, saying that it was fibrocystic mastopathy. But Zuleikhat felt worse and worse. And there was no money for a paid examination. Zuleikhat came to the Open Day at the Makhachkala Cancer Center. To confirm the diagnosis, Zuleikhat submitted material for histology and IHC, but the answer to the analysis was lost.Then she decided to leave for St. Petersburg. She had to borrow money. So Zuleikhat found out her final diagnosis - G3 CARCINOMA (stage 3 breast cancer with multicentric metastasis of lymph nodes in the armpits and supraclavicular / subclavian area.

Zuleikhat went to chemotherapy every 3 weeks. But everything was complicated by the fact that Zuleikhat had hemolytic anemia, alpha-thalassemia. This means that the blood is very difficult to recover. And in 2015, Zuleikhat suffered from meningitis, she did not walk for 4 months, she had paraparesis of the lower extremities. She was dismissed from her job for health reasons.⁣⁣

Zuleikhat is raising her son alone. The only support for a woman is her sister and mother. They help with housework, bypassing doctors. But her sister has a disabled child, she needs to take care of him too. And Zuleikhat really needs financial assistance. And she has no one to rely on.

Zuleikhat is already in debt. And in St. Petersburg, she has to rent an apartment, take expensive tests every week. And this is in addition to regular flights. Doctors also suspect the spread of metastases to the spine.⁣⁣ Zuleikhat faced many trials. She is trying, but without our help she will not be able to!⁣

Charitable Foundation "Insan" announces an urgent fee for Aselderova Zuleikhat in the amount of 200,000 rubles for travel and accommodation expenses for the duration of chemotherapy.

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Необходимо: 200 000 р.
Собрано: 200 000 р. из 200 000 р.

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