
Save Khadizhat

Breast cancer

Half a year ago, Khadizhat could not even expect that she would find herself in such position. Six months ago, life was normal as possible, without foretelling any trouble. However, the disease does not ask for permission to enter, and comes at the most unexpected moment.

More than 6 months have passed since Khadizhat was diagnosed with a terrible breast cancer at an early stage. Following the advice of the doctors, the woman needed to undergo treatment for chemotherapy. Three courses were successful, but the 4th hasn’t yet started. Khadizhat suddenly began to have really bad headaches, which intensified with each passing day. The MRI showed that the woman had meningitis. The result is that Khadizhat is very nearly blind, cannot get up and constantly needs a certain type of care.

Her son and husband take care of her. 22-year-old Karim dropped out of the Islamic university and began working to help his mother with medicines. And the guy’s stepfather has to stay at home to look after Khadizhat.

Now the woman is needed to perform a surgery to remove a malignant tumor in one of the clinics of St. Petersburg. And it must be done urgently, until the cancer cells could reach the brain. The operation will be free of charge. However, consultations, surveys and analyses should be paid by the family itself. Alas, it’s all worth a lot of money, which they don’t have left.

Therefore, the charity fund “INSAN” announces a fee for Khadizhat Gireyeva in the amount of 150 thousand rubles. We ask everyone to take an active part and help as much as possible. After all, the whole life of our ward and the life of her family depend on this operation.


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Необходимо: 150 000 р.
Собрано: 150 000 р. из 150 000 р.

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