The list of needy

Who have already been helped
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Delayed psycho-speech development
Inga has two daughters and a sick sister. The woman alone drags this heavy burden. The husband left. He couldn’t, He didn’t want to, He couldn’t cope
Gathered: 230,043 ₽ of 230,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Heart disease, unclear symptoms
Three years ago little Zarina started having serious problems. Vague symptoms were added to the congenital heart disease. The girl stopped eating, a rash appeared. Zarina woke up from seizures, cried at night
Gathered: 80,101 ₽ of 80,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Alfia is the firstborn in the Negmatov family. The girl was very much awaited, everyone was happy about her birth. But the joy was short-lived
Gathered: 127,069 ₽ of 126,800 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy
Kamila was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of 1 year. Since then, the life of the girl and her family has been a constant struggle for health. Kamila is a very cheerful, inquisitive child
Gathered: 115,000 ₽ of 115,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Perinatal CNS damage
Isa is 5 years old. An ordinary boy, of which dozens are playing football in the courtyards right now. With only one difference ...  Isa cannot yet become a part of this team
Gathered: 92,250 ₽ of 92,250 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Child autism
Ali was born as a result of difficult childbirth. Physically, the baby was developing normally. However, by the age of two, he still did not repeat the syllables and words, did not understand the speech addressed to him
Gathered: 124,200 ₽ of 124,200 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Vision problems
Shuvzhat is a widow. A long time ago, she married a second time, lived with her husband until his death. And then she was literally on the street.
Gathered: 70,000 ₽ of 70,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Fear of losing the child. Hanperi has lived in this fear for 5 years. Her eldest son has acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Gathered: 200,100 ₽ of 200,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy 3 degrees
The history of Arzuman's disease, like many children with his diagnosis, began with childbirth. The baby was born as a result of an emergency caesarean section
Gathered: 132,000 ₽ of 132,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy
Zaira is 25 years old. A girl has cerebral palsy since childhood. Cerebral palsy is not at all for kids. After all, this state remains with a person for life
Gathered: 30,100 ₽ of 30,000 ₽
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