The list of needy

Who have already been helped
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Cerebral palsy
Ramazan is a smart boy. He loves robots and cognitive game. He likes to ride his toy car. Cheerful Ramazan was born with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. The boy does not walk.
Gathered: 31,557 ₽ of 31,500 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Surgery in Turkey
“I wish I died, mom. I have had enough of this”. What could be more painful for a mother than hearing such words? ⁣⁣ Arifa Daudova is 25 years old. A terrible accident ruined huge plans for the future.
Gathered: 1,250,000 ₽ of 1,250,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
The girl is always smiling and very fond of guests. Zahra is especially happy when her peers come to her, with whom she begins to play with pleasure. 
Gathered: 80,000 ₽ of 80,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Rehabilitation at the “Jamsi” Clinic
“At first, I could not accept what happened, says Umagani. Those whom I considered friends turned away from me. But then I’ve learned the power of kinship, because it is the relatives who still support us.”
Gathered: 252,000 ₽ of 252,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy
Napisat is 8 years old. In a year and 3 months she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. And to this day, the girl is struggling with a serious illness. Doctors and medical staff of the rehabilitation centers help her in this.
Gathered: 250,000 ₽ of 250,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy
Rustam Omarov is 5 years old. In warm weather, everyone wants to walk and play on the playgrounds, but Rustam is sadly watching from the window, because Rustam is contraindicated to be warm and sunlight.
Gathered: 75,090 ₽ of 75,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy
Khadidja does not crawl, does not walk, and does not hold her head. Khadidja was born with a diagnosis of hydrocephalus / cerebral palsy. Dad and mom try to do everything for their child, to the best of their abilities.
Gathered: 88,450 ₽ of 88,450 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Khabib Makhmudov is a long-awaited child in the family. Demir, the father of a three-year-old child, says: “We have been waiting for eight years for a baby. But it so happened that he was born sick. Up to a year, my child could not be diagnosed here in Makhachkala.
Gathered: 202,665 ₽ of 202,200 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy
Four-year-old Patimat has cerebral palsy and a delay in speech and mental development. The diagnosis is congenital. The girl does not walk or sit. Just recently, Patimat began to crawl, such results were obtained after a specialized massage
Gathered: 200,050 ₽ of 200,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy
Aliyev Shamil is nine years old. The boy likes to watch football. He dreams of going to the football field and scoring a goal. But Shamil cannot walk yet, although, full of strength and energy, he is striving to the best of his ability to achieve success
Gathered: 219,900 ₽ of 219,900 ₽
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