Be healthy

This program has a pronounced social significance, we sometimes become the only hope for parents raising children suffering from diseases of varying severity.

Developing the medical direction, we saw how many children need our help. We realized that the wards need to purchase medicines, pay for travel for quota-based treatment, organize fundraising for surgeries, examinations, therapy, and rehabilitation.

Meanwhile, among the priority areas of the fund is helping children suffering from cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, cancer and various developmental disorders.

Assistance to children suffering from epidermolysis bullosa, the so-called butterfly children, is highlighted in a separate line. This category of children is under the special care of the foundation. The parents of such children faced catastrophic hopelessness, absolute ignorance of doctors about the methods of treating this disease and the rejection of butterfly children by society.

In the near future, it is planned to open a specialized medical center for such children in Makhachkala. For the first time, butterfly children will connect to the world and will receive both professional and complex assistance. This means that they will go to school, they will look good, and their mothers will no longer be constantly afraid. However, before this, one will have to go through a difficult, but the only true and extremely important path.

Each of these areas is very important for our wards and requires a separate budget

You can become a member of any of them.

How to get medical help 1. Come to the fund's office with a passport, statements and papers related to the disease.

Not everyone has the opportunity to pay for expensive treatment or buy medicines at a pharmacy. Many simply do not know what a quota is and how it can be obtained - young mothers with children or lonely old people can simply be left without protection and help. The “Insan” Foundation has created a special medical program that will help everyone who really needs help.

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Be healthy
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