Charity Boutique

To paraphrase a famous English writer, we can recall that "if people do not learn to help each other, then humanity will cease to exist." But this phrase is not about us. We are already great with you. We collect many donations and things for the poor all year round. In order to raise our children to be worthy members of society and to earn Paradise with the Lord, we need to take care of each other, giving even to strangers what we can give. To show those who are not as lucky in life as we are that we will not leave them alone with the indifferent outside world.

Unfortunately, not all people are lucky enough to "settle" in this life. Not all of us are able to be the best, strongest and survive with dignity in harsh economic and political conditions, where even wars are possible. But this is not a reason for us to become hardened and leave our brothers without due attention. By helping others, we can at least restore a little balance in the world's disharmony. In addition, every drop of alms that falls into a vessel of goodness will not be lost, but will benefit your soul. The “INSAN” Foundation calls on all believers to make their contribution to the charity campaign for the collection of clothes and shoes for the needy - "Charity Boutique". After all, clothes and shoes tend to wear out, and not everyone can buy new ones.

The clothing and footwear collection program has been running continuously for many years. Therefore, many people, knowing about it, bring men's, women's, children's and teenage clothes and shoes to our fund. In the clothing department, the manager sorts all this and neatly puts it on the shelves. And our poor wards come, measure and choose what suits them. There is still a great need for baby diapers.

A lot of parcels with clothes and shoes, toys come from all over Russia, and the residents of Makhachkala and its districts are extremely grateful to all kind people for this. The fund's employees also express their deepest gratitude to all those who did not stand aside. However, at the same time, we cannot but add a small request to philanthropists: before giving things to the poor, be sure to wash and iron them, and also carefully pack them.

This treatment did not arise by chance: some bring unusable and torn clothes, and a lot of time and effort of our employees is spent on sorting. Unfortunately, more than 60% of clothes just have to be thrown away.

Any person in need, be it an adult or a child, can get free clothes from us. To do this, he just needs to come to our fund and fill out a questionnaire with personal data. The fund's employees conduct an inspection, after which they make a decision to include a person in the base of the fund's wards.

Anyone can also share clothes. For this you need:

1. Make sure the clothes are in good condition. If they are not torn, then wash and pack.

2. Apply to the foundation with a proposal to donate clothes or send clothes by mail.

3. You can also bring things yourself or leave an application in the fund for the export of clothes.

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Charity Boutique
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