Children instead of flowers

Take part in the action

Join the charity event on September 1: give the teacher one bouquet from the whole class, and transfer the saved funds to help sick children.

On September 1, on Knowledge Day, the “INSAN” Charitable Foundation calls on teachers, directors and parents of schoolchildren to join the “Children Instead of Flowers” campaign.

Invite your class to start the new school year with a beautiful deed. Limit yourself to one gift bouquet to the class teacher, and transfer the amount equal to the cost of the remaining flowers to sick children.

The teacher will accept not just one bouquet from the whole class, he will become a participant in a great cause. And the children will receive an unforgettable lesson of nobility and generosity.

The idea is simple, but the benefits are huge.

With the money transferred from savings on flowers, the fund will be able to purchase expensive drugs for the treatment of sick children, pay for rehabilitation ... The attention we pay to seriously ill children makes us become more merciful to our own.

It is important not how much we collect, but who takes part in the action. Teachers, parents and children - we create our own bright future.

Children instead of flowers Children instead of flowers Children instead of flowers

As a rule, we do not grow flowers in our country house or in the yard. We buy them.

The average cost of an ordinary bouquet ranges from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

And now a simple arithmetic calculation.

In 2018, Dagestan schools enrolled more than 83,000 children. If we assume that half of them bring flowers to school, then about 40 million rubles will be spent on their purchase.

Let's imagine that each teacher can be presented with 1 bouquet, and we will not give all the other bouquets that will potentially wither. Let it be a beautiful bouquet for 1000 rubles, so we save a large amount of money. Thanks to such savings, assistance, and rational use of funds, a huge number of seriously ill children could receive the necessary expensive treatment.

To help sick children, you need to give not a few bouquets from the class, but one. The rest of the money will go to help.

In 2018, 369,270 rubles were collected.

The funds were used to treat sick children.

Gadzhibagandov Rasul Rustamovich (hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, atypical autism) - 200,000 r for leg surgery and rehabilitation

Alibegov Magomedrahim Abdulaevich (epilepsy) - 30,000 r for the treatment of a child (for the purchase of medicines)

Khadzhiev Magomedrasul (atypical autism, impaired psychoverbal development) - 50,000 r for rehabilitation at the medical center "Health"

Urudzhaev Sirazhudin (ZPRR) - 63,000 rubles for rehabilitation at the Ability Center Ertuganov Alim Timuravich (ureteral reflux grade 4, Down's syndrome) - 50,000 rubles for an operation in Moscow.

What will you choose? Flowers or children?

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Children instead of flowers
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