Dilapidated housing

Unfortunately, or fortunately, many do not know what housing in the 21st century looks like for many lonely old people, the disabled, some large families and families where orphans are brought up.

And due to the lack of their own housing, they are all forced to huddle in rooms that are absolutely not adapted to life. For some, the house is literally falling apart, for others the roof is leaking, for others there is no way to install at least high-quality windows or plumbing. In such "houses", as a rule, heating does not work, dampness and mold cover the walls and ceilings.

People do not have money for repairs, even for the simplest.

But there are those who have no roof over their heads at all.

It is difficult to compare these two problems. The fact remains that if a person lives in unbearable conditions, it is very difficult both physically, psychologically and morally. As a rule, families who, for various reasons, found themselves practically on the sidelines of life turn to the “Insan” Foundation with this question. Due to various household expenses: for food, education, clothing, treatment, many cannot save money on their own to repair housing or buy a new house. A large number of families live in rented apartments, with relatives, in trailers or in some other temporary places.

The “Dilapidated housing” program of the “Insan” Foundation has a difficult task to put in order the living and communal conditions of its wards.

Patrons, sponsors, ordinary citizens help us with this.

Only by working together it becomes possible to assist in the reconstruction, repair, construction or purchase of housing for those who find themselves in difficult life situations. Many philanthropists provide financial assistance: building materials, consumables, plumbing, furniture. Believe me, this is a huge help for our fund. And someone provides repair services on a voluntary basis: puttying, priming, painting, removing old wallpaper and gluing new ones, installing windows, changing pipes, and so on.

We are ready to consider any proposal for cooperation under the “Dilapidated housing” program.

Your help can be decisive in the beginning of a new, bright life for many families. You can participate in different ways: volunteer support during construction and repair work, the provision of building materials, furniture, plumbing, etc., financial donations.

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Dilapidated housing
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