I am a guardian

Help an orphan!

Since 2016, the “Insan” Charitable Foundation has been running the “I am a guardian” program.

Everyone can become a member.

This does not require a large income or high social status.

A guardian is a person who has made a commitment to help children who have lost their father.

Who gets help:

- full orphans;

- widows with children.

You can join the program on your own or with a team. At the same time, you yourself determine the amount of monthly donation possible for yourself: 1000₽, 2000₽, 3000₽ and more.

So you become a member of the team of guardians of the Charity Fund "Insan". It is through joint efforts that we gradually solve the problems of families where orphans grow up.

Our main goal is to provide widows with children with their own housing. This allows you to further remove them from the number of wards, giving way to the next family.

We consider the obligatory education of orphans to be the next most important task. We also pay attention to the development of talented youth.

Often these children also have psychological problems. This is also taken into account.

And within the framework of "I am a guardian" such issues are resolved with professionals.

You can pay the monthly amount of donations under the "I am a guardian" program in any way convenient for you:

1. Auto payment on fondinsan.ru

2. Transfer to the fund card (Sberbank)

3. To the accounting department of the fund

4. Through the application "Insan"

At your request, monthly reports on the movement of funds under the program are provided.

Our mission is to help orphans grow up to be worthy people. Mutual assistance is an integral part of humanity. Help is not difficult, as it might seem at first glance. For children deprived of parental warmth, any contribution gives an opportunity to feel their importance.

Many people have joined us over the years of work in this direction. Each guardian, within the limits of the possible, contributes to the development of the orphan ward.

It is in our power to ensure a full life and comprehensive development of orphans.

If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us in a convenient way. We are waiting for your ideas and help in their implementation for the benefit of orphans!

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