New life

What is this program about?

Charity Fund "Insan" implements another line of activity. You can call it charitable in part. Because its main goal is to provide maximum opportunities for the wards of the fund to provide for their families.

If you want to feed the hungry, give him not a fish, but a fishing rod - this is the main message of this area of work of the “Insan” Charitable Foundation.

This is the most real tool with which a person can provide for himself. 

Its participants are wards of the fund, ready to improve their financial situation by making real efforts.

How does the program work?

All those who apply for help to the fund are inspected.

In the process, it is revealed what exactly the family or a particular person needs. And if it is only in the absence of the opportunity to work, then the ward falls under the “New Life” program. Insufficient qualifications, family difficulties, "lack of work" - all this will no longer become an obstacle to employment.

For those who are ready to take responsibility for their lives, the “New Life” program organizes:

- various courses on training and instilling work skills;

- assistance in further employment with the real interest of the wards and their competencies;

- conducting trainings and other additional courses to overcome psychological barriers.

Results achieved Recruitment agencies have been cooperating with the Fund for many years under a contract. Training, retraining and training of potential labor personnel are also carried out by educational centers under an agreement with the Fund.

During this time, agencies and centers that provide free services have joined the joint work. In addition, we directly receive vacancies from employers.

Half of those who receive some form of support under this program are employed. But here the key criterion is the desire of the ward himself. And this is always obvious.

About cooperation Charity Fund "Insan" invites recruitment agencies, educational centers for cooperation on certain conditions. This is a real way to help a person in need to start a new life.

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New life
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